Monday 15 August 2016

'The first real love story I watched unfold'

Love is something which is related a lot to movies. Since childhood the influence of cinema is so strong that most of the emotions are associated with it. But Reel life can never be anything what Real one can be. It was the Summer of 93 and i had just got through my 10th standard (some how). Excitement of holidays was all over my face! I straight away joined cricket coaching sessions as the game was my passion and more over the stadium was close enough to my house.
Here I met my coach 'Inderjeet' for the first time. He was a punctual and a strict person and the only time i used to see a smile on his face was when his girlfriend 'Nisha' used to bring home cooked food for him. This was a routine followed on a couple of days in a week. Nothing on my television or the cinema big screen but this was the first Real love story that i witnessed.
My coaching was 5 days a week and this was pretty new for me to understand that how those 2 days when Nisha used to come were totally different from the rest. Their comfort with each other and the love was there for everybody else to relish. From a distance i could still feel the warmth that both of them used to generate together. Watching them enjoy each and every moment of their company would make me jealous sometimes.
Once our coach got sick and the classes were taken by somebody else for a week and that was the time when I started missing those 2 days when the love birds were around. I used to think how would it be exactly to fall in love. The week passed and the coach was fit and back to stadium, so was his girlfriend! I knew both of them were missing their 'Tajmahal', the stadium of course!
Summer holidays got over soon and so the tryst with the stadium was over too. The lovers were still together but my movie was over. Witnessing a Real love story was an amazing experience for me. Movies will be made on various lovers but 'Inderjeet and Nisha' are going to stay in my conscience forever. I don't know what eventually was the ending of their love story but even after 2 decades, I remember them.
  This post was written for the 'The first real love story I watched unfold' blogging contest by and